



3月26日午後8時(日本時間)から約2時間半、及び27日午後8時(日本時間)から約2時間半、テレビ会議形式にて、アフリカ開発会議(TICAD)閣僚会合が開催され、 日本の林芳正外務大臣が議長を、鈴木貴子外務副大臣が議長代理を務めました。

  1. 本会合では、本年8月のTICAD8に向け、経済、社会、平和と安定の3つの柱に基づいて、アフリカ開発における優先課題を議論しました。会合には、アフリカ50か国(43名の閣僚級が参加)、共催者(国際連合、国連開発計画(UNDP)、世界銀行及びアフリカ連合委員会(AUC))、日本の民間セクターが参加しました。
  2. 林大臣からは、新型コロナがアフリカの経済・社会に甚大な影響を及ぼす中、日本として、人間の安全保障の理念の下、「人」や「成長の質」に重点を置きながら、アフリカの開発目標である「アジェンダ2063」及び持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の実現を後押ししていく旨述べました。また、今般のロシアによるウクライナ侵略は、力による一方的な現状変更であり、国際秩序の根幹を揺るがす国際法違反行為として決して認められず、国際社会として一致して対処していく必要がある旨強調しました。さらに、林大臣から、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」のビジョンの下、ルールに基づく自由で開かれた国際秩序を構築することの重要性、開発金融の公平性・透明性の重要性及び国連安保理改革の必要性も取り上げました。
  3. 鈴木副大臣からは、人間の安全保障の実現のため、「保護」と「能力強化」に加えて「連帯」が求められていることに触れつつ、引き続き日本としてアフリカにおける新型コロナの克服を後押ししていくほか、「人」への投資や環境分野での支援を実施していく旨述べました。また、持続可能な平和と安定の実現のため、民主主義の定着や法の支配の推進に向けたアフリカの努力を後押ししていく旨述べました。
  4. これらに対し、アフリカ諸国等から、TICADプロセスを通じた日本のアフリカ開発への貢献に対する評価と、COVAXへの支援やワクチン供与、コールドチェーン整備等を含む日本の支援への謝意の表明がありました。また、アフリカ諸国からは、ウクライナ情勢とその影響について懸念が表明され、国際社会が協力することの必要性について言及がありました。
  5. 日本とアフリカ諸国等は、本年8月のTICAD8の成功に向け、引き続き緊密に連携していくことを確認しました。


Excellencies, Distinguished delegates,

Thank you for joining us today. I am very pleased to host the TICAD Ministerial Meeting. I now declare the opening of the TICAD Ministerial Meeting. I would like to start by saying a few words on this occasion.

One of the biggest changes to hit Africa since TICAD 7 is COVID-19. The pandemic has brought some economic and social vulnerabilities to the forefront.

In addition, Russia’s recent aggression against Ukraine is a unilateral change of the status quo by force and an act that shakes the very foundations of the international order. The issue at stake is not to choose which side to stand on. What is important is to defend the principles that the international community should stand on, such as the United Nations Charter prohibiting the threat or use of force and basic human rights. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine disregards these fundamental principles. It also affects energy and food supply, and the African economy is no exception. Therefore, the international community needs to address the situation in a concerted manner to protect the life of African people. Now is the time for Japan and Africa to work together to create a sustainable society and Japan looks forward to a candid exchange of views.

Japan has contributed to Africa’s development including through TICAD, with its history of over a quarter of a century. Under the principle of human security, Japan will continue to support the realization of Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on “people” and “quality growth”. Based on these thoughts, I would like to state three ideas.

Firstly, in order to build a resilient economy for build back better, Japan will support private companies’ expansion into Africa. Today, we are joined by Mr. Iwai, Chairman of the Africa Project Team of Keizai Doyukai, who can share business perspective. We also recognize entry into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area as Africa’s political will towards regional integration. We should capitalize on this momentum and use the power of the private sector as a driving force to set out a pathway for development in the post-COVID-era.

Secondly, based on the principle of human security, we will redouble our efforts, towards a sustainable and resilient society in the health sector where vulnerabilities have been exposed by the pandemic, with a view to achieving universal health coverage. In addition, we will commit to human resources development of those who will contribute to African development in the post-COVID-era as well as to the resolution of pressing environmental issues.

Thirdly, universal values such as freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law have been seriously challenged. Against this backdrop, Japan is determined to establish a free and open international order based on the rule of law under the vision of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)”. In cooperation with African countries, we will aim to realize peace and prosperity in the Asia-Africa region, and the world as a whole.

In today’s “Economy” session, we will discuss measures to address economic disparities and achieve sustainable and inclusive growth. In order to achieve build back better and promote the SDGs, it is important to encourage more private investment, while leveraging digital and other means.

Therefore, looking ahead to TICAD 8, Japan will propose specific measures to support solution-oriented businesses on social issues, with particular focus on startups. In addition, we will cooperate to expand “green” related businesses with a view to promoting decarbonization as a new driving force for Africa’s development.

It is also important to strengthen a free and open rule-based international economic system. In particular, it is urgent for us to address the development finance not adhering to international rules and standards including unfair and opaque lending practices.

For example, there are cases where the lending country influences the policy decisions of the borrowing country through forcing the borrowing country to accept in advance a contractual clause that enables the lending country to receive a lump sum repayment on the reason of a policy change occurred in the borrowing country that is disadvantageous to the lending country. There are also cases where the lending country acquires the long-term operating rights of the developed port in the event that the debt cannot be repaid. We must not allow such financing practices to prevail and destabilize the developing economies most in need of financial resources.

Japan will work with international organizations to create an environment in which developing countries, especially those in Africa, do not have to rely on such financing, through capacity-building support in the area of debt management.

What measures do you think should be taken to pave the way for further growth of African economies?

Thank you for your attention.
